What is it?
SAMPFUNCS (abbreviated SF) is a mod, created and maintained by FYP, that expands the CLEO 4 library and adds extended support for SA-MP related functions. Beside CLEO, it also supports the creations of plugins .sf in C++ using the API provided. SAMPFUNCS is only compatible with the current SA-MP version at release time.
• CLEO 4.1+
• SA-MP 0.3.7 R1Credits: FYP
Q: How to install SAMPFUNCS?
A: Copy the .asi file to your main GTA San Andreas folder.
Q: How to install SAMPFUNCS?
A: Copy the .asi file to your main GTA San Andreas folder.
Q: What do I need to use SAMPFUNCS?
A: To use SAMPFUNCS you need the following:
• Working copy of the game GTA San Andreas
• gta_sa.exe v1.0 US
• ASI Loader
• CLEO 4.1 or higher
• SA-MP Client version specific to the SAMPFUNCS version.
Q: Where can I find the folder “SAMPFUNCS”?
A: In the root folder of the game.
Q: What happens if there is no folder “SAMPFUNCS”?
A: Start it manually or run the game with SAMPFUNCS, then the folder will be created automatically.
Q: I do not have the folder “SAMPFUNCS” and it does not appear even after the start of the game.
A: You have security enabled UAC in Windows. To turn it off you need to: Go to Control Panel> User Accounts> Change User Account Control settings and move the slider to the bottom> Save.
Q: My game crashes, although it is clean.
A: The list of possible solutions to the problem:
• Update DirectX 9, Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable
• Make sure that the version of SA:MP is compatible with SAMPFUNCS.
• In SAMPFUNCS_SETTINGS.INI change the following settings:
– CheckUpdates = false
– MultiProcess = false
– AntiPause = false
– ScriptEnginePatch = false
– DisableGameAPI = true
– ExceptionHandler = false
• Despite the fact that SAMPFUNCS might runs on Windows XP, it might not work properly, it’s recommended to use a newer Windows version.
Q: The screen flashes when I enter the menu.
A: Change the settings option DrawInfoBar to “false” in the settings .ini file.
Q: Where can I find the file settings “SAMPFUNCS_SETTINGS.INI”?
A: In the folder SAMPFUNCS.
Q: What mods is SAMPFUNCS not compatible?
A: NewOpcodes from DK22Pac – incompatible opcodes; SA:MP Addon – partial incompatibility; SAMPGraphicRestore.asi – graphical artifacts.
Q: Will SAMPFUNCS work with older versions than SA-MP 0.3?
A: It’s not compatible.
Q: How to install SAMPFUNCS opcodes in Sanny Builder?
A: Replace the files from “Sanny Builder 3/data/sa” with the ones from the SB Data folder.
Q: What is the archive for SFPlugin.zip? What to do with it?
A: This archive contains a project template for developers SF-plugins. If you are not a developer, you just forget about it.
Q: How to install a plugin .SF?
A: Copy the file to a folder SAMPFUNCS or follow the installation instructions (if any).
Q: My antivirus marks SAMPFUNCS as malicious and even remove it.
A: Anti-virus software programs often define this kind of as malicious, since the main application of this type of work is carried out by means of direct memory access process. In addition, the built SAMPFUNCS check for updates, and it is compressed to reduce the size of the wrapper, so most antivirus software refers to it with great suspicion. To prevent removal SAMPFUNCS Antivirus, add the entire folder or a game in the list of exceptions antivirus.
Q: Where can I find detailed information, a description of the opcodes, the list of changes, the lessons associated with SAMPFUNCS?
A: Here: http://blasthack.net/wiki/.
Q: How to fix: “WARNING! CLEO could not register opcode handler”?
A: Maybe you have installed two versions of SAMPFUNCS or the plugin NewOpcodes.cleo. Remove them.
Q: Is SAMPFUNCS compatible with mod_sa (s0beit)?
A: With the original version is fully compatible.